Upcoming changes

in Tariff and General Terms and Conditions

Changes in the General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing board of First investment bank AD, changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions - for business clients, effective from 04.03.2025, have been adopted, which you can review.

Changes in the General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that by the decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, effective from 04.03.2025, changes have been made in: 1) General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services, 2) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for issuance and use of revolving international credit cards Mastercard and VISA, 3) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for My Fibank electronic banking.

The amendments extend the procedure and means of providing information in the event of provisioned changes in the framework agreements in accordance with the possibilities of electronic communication and legal requirements, and the texts are accordingly ammended in the sections "Changes to the General Terms and Conditions".

Changes in the General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that in connection with updating the methods for providing PINs to payment cards issued by Fibank, changes have been made to: 1) General Terms and Conditions of "First Investment Bank" AD for issuance and use of revolving international credit cards Mastercard and VISA , in 2) General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services, in 3) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for issuance and use of international business credit cards Mastercard and VISA without a minimum monthly payment, with a guarantee deposit, with a non-reducible balance, and in 4) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for issuance and use of international business credit cards with grace period Mastercard and VISA.

In the above General Terms and Conditions, changes have been made to the "Card Issuance" sections to facilitate customers in obtaining a new/reissued card.

The amended General Terms and Conditions have been approved by the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD and shall come into force with effect from 24.01.2025.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD, as of 22.01.2025, the fees and commissions, referred to in items 2 and 3 of the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One - for individuals, Section VI. Lending, Art. 2 Loans not secured by mortgage are deleted.

Amendments to the remarks of that section have been adopted in this regard. The amendment is applicable to loan applications submitted after the date indicated.

You may review the Tariff of Fees and Commissions updated section.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing board of First investment bank AD, as of 08.01.2025, the "License Assets evaluations" Appendix to the Tariff of fees and commissions is repealed. Appendix "Technical Opinions" is introduced and is available for review.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates

Penalty interest rates under Section Two “Debit Interest Rates Applied on Loans and Overdrafts (Interests on Debit Balance) of Interest Rates (Effective from 01/01/2025)

Please be informed that in compliance with Decree № 426 from 18/12/2014 of the Council of Ministers for determining the legal interest on overdue monetary obligations, as of 01/01/2025 the legal interest on overdue monetary obligations regardless of the currency, is 12.95%. The change is reflected in the Interest Rates Bulletin.

Changes in General Terms and Conditions applicable to contracts for investment services and activities in financial instruments with customers of First investment bank AD

Dear customers,

We notify you that with resolution of the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank), as of 12.12.24, amendments have been made in the General Terms and Conditions applicable to contracts for investment services and activities in financial instruments with customers of First investment bank AD, as well as enclosure thereto, in force as of 12.01.2025

The changes are related to providing possibility for transactions with financial instruments, through "My Fibank electronic banking", via the Mobile Application – for natural persons, аccount holders, with active banking rights in the Mobile Application.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear customers,

We notify you that with resolution of the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank), as of 12.12.24, amendments have been made in the General terms and conditions of First investment bank AD for My Fibank electronic banking, in force as of 16.12.24.

The changes are related to providing possibility for transactions with financial instruments, through "My Fibank electronic banking", via the Mobile Application – for natural persons, аccount holders, with active banking rights in the Mobile Application.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that in regards to the offering of “SEPA blink instant payments”, the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individuals and Chapter Two – for Business clients, Section IV. Transfers, Letter B. In foreign currency, have been supplemented.

Changes in General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

Dear Customers,

We inform you that by a decision of the Management Board of Fibank, effective from 06.12.2024, the following have been updated: 1) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for Loans to Individuals Secured by Mortgage and 2) General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for Loans to Individuals. Clarifications have been made regarding the current method of repayment of installments, as well as legislative changes have been reflected. The section for communication with clients has been developed, taking into account modern methods of electronic communication, and additional clarifications have been completed, reflecting the development of practices and regulatory requirements.

Changes in General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

Dear Customers,

We notify you that with resolution of the Managing Board of Fibank, in force as of 14/11/2024 amendments have been made in the General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for electronic banking MyFibank.

The changes concern the launch of new services and functionalities, such as the possibility of remote opening of an account and registration in the electronic banking of legal entities, the option of performing integration through a secure channel for the exchange of data and documents, functionalities allowing applications for credit products of legal entities, submitting an order for cash operations and confirming cash and other payment operations initiated in bank offices. Amendments have been made to reflect the current ways of remotely establishing business relationships.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that in order to facilitate the use of the Bulletin of Interest Rates changes have been made in the presentation of the products offered by the Bank, without changes in the interest rates.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates

Dear customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, as of 01.11.2024 the value of BIRcc has been changed, reflected in the Bulletin of Interest Rates, applied by First Investment Bank on bank accounts in local and foreign currency.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates and Deposit terms and conditions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank a new term deposit ”Opportunity” for Indiviuals with increasing Interest rate has been approved. Тhe „Deposit terms and conditions” - Appendix to the General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services and the Interest Rates Bulletin have been supplemented, as of 18.10.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that by a decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter Two – for Business clients, effective from 22.10.2024, have been adopted, which you may review.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates

Dear customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, as of 01.10.2024 the value of BIRcc in EUR has been reduced, reflected in the Bulletin of Interest Rates, applied by First Investment Bank on bank accounts in local and foreign currency.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates and Deposit terms and conditions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank a new 12 month term for Deposit “Tradition” for Individuals has been approved. In this context the „Deposit terms and conditions” - Appendix to the General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services and the Interest Rates Bulletin have been supplemented, as of 12.09.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD, as of 05/11/2024 the issuing of VPay debit cards and International Mastercard and VISA credit cards with a non-reducible balance for Individuals, shall be suspended. Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individulas as of 05/11/2024 and in Chapter Two – for Business clients, as of 16/09/2024 have also been approved, which we kindly ask you to familiarize yourselves with.

Changes in General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD (Fibank)

We inform you that in connection with the termination of the "YES" loyalty program, the relevant texts relating to it are no longer available in: 1) General terms and conditions of First investment bank AD for issuance and use of revolving international credit cards Mastercard and VISA, 2) The General terms and conditions of "First Investment Bank" AD for issuance and use of international Mastercard and VISA credit cards with a non-reducible balance or guarantee deposit, as well as in 3) General terms and conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services . In the general terms and conditions for credit cards under items 1) and 2) above, clarifications have been made regarding the termination of the contract in the event of the Account Holder's death or placement under prohibition (section XIX), as well as deleted text (art. 23.1.) in connection with legal changes concerning the introduction of the euro.

The changes in the General Terms and Conditions under items 1) - 3) above have been adopted by the Board of Directors of Fibank and will come into force as of 28.10.2024.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates

Dear customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, as of 01.09.2024 the value of BIRcc in BGN has been reduced, reflected in the Bulletin of Interest Rates, applied by First Investment Bank on bank accounts in local and foreign currency.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates and Deposit terms and conditions of First Investment Bank

Dear clients,

We hereby inform you that as of 02.08.2024 by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank AD, the name of the deposit product "Yes Deposit" will be changed to "Express" deposit. The conditions and parameters of the deposit remain unchanged. In connection with abovementioned, the Bulletin of Interest Rates and the "Deposit Terms and Conditions" - an appendix to the General Terms and Conditions of First Investment Bank AD for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services have been updated.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of First Investment Bank AD, the providing and maintenance of the "Telephone banking" service, which allows voice reproduction of information on balances and operations on bank accounts maintained at First Investment Bank AD, shall be suspended, as of 01.10.2024

In this regard:

  1. In the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One - for Individuals and Chapter Two - for Business clients, Section IX, respectively Section XII. Remote banking:

- Letter B. "Telephone banking" - is suspended;

- Letter C. Other fees and commissions from the same section – becomes Letter B.

  1. The "General terms and conditions for telephone banking of First Investment Bank AD" cease to be effective as of the same date.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Penalty interest rates under Section Two “Debit Interest Rates Applied on Loans and Overdrafts (Interests on Debit Balance) of Interest Rates (Effective from 01/07/2024)

Please be informed that in compliance with Decree № 426 from 18/12/2014 of the Council of Ministers for determining the legal interest on overdue monetary obligations, as of 01/07/2024 the legal interest on overdue monetary obligations regardless of the currency, is 13.63%. The change will be reflected in the Interest Rates Bulletin.

Changes in the Bulletin of Interest Rates and Deposit terms and conditions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank a new term deposit –”Yes Deposit” has been approved. Тhe Deposit terms and conditions- Appendix to the General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services and the Interest Rates Bulletin have been supplemented, as of 27.06.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank a new term deposit for 24 months – Deposit “Tradition” has been approved. Тhe Deposit terms and conditions- Appendix to the General Terms and Conditions for opening and maintenance of bank accounts and provision of payment services and the Interest Rates Bulletin have been supplemented, as of 12.06.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank supplements to the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter Two - for business clients and Appendix “Packages for Business clients have been approved in relation to the offering of new Packages for Business clients – “Fibank POS” and “Fibank POS plus”, which you may review.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, changes have been adopted in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter Two – for Business clients in force as of 08.05.2024, which you may review.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, changes have been adopted in the Tariff of fees and commissions, which you may review.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank, changes have been adopted in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individuals and Appendices, which you may review.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank changes have been adopted in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individuals, Section VI. Lending, effective from 27.03.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank dated 22.02.2024, changes have been adopted in the conditions of "Super Loan" Consumer Loan, as the minimum amount of the loan has been reduced from BGN 30,000 to BGN 20,000. You may review the accepted changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individuals, Section VI. Lending, effective from 28.02.2024.

Changes in the Tariff of fees and commissions of First Investment Bank

Dear Customers,

We hereby inform you that by decision of the Managing Board of Fibank changes have been adopted in the Tariff of fees and commissions, Chapter One – for Individuals and Chapter Two – for Business clients as of 05.04.2024, respectively 05.02.2024 in connection with the “Electronic utility bills”, provided to customers with registration at Fibank’s office.