Annual Reports

    • Annual report 2023 In 2023, First Investment Bank AD (Fibank, the Bank) celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. These have been 30 years of creation, development, prevailing, leading the way, being innovative, responsible and successful.       PDF
        • Annual report 2022 For 30 years now, First Investment Bank AD (Fibank, the Bank) has been contributing to the introduction of state-of-the-art banking products and services in the country as one of the most significant Bulgarian banks. Consistently, with dedication and ambition, it has built a sustainable business model with the capacity for innovation and growth.       PDF
            • Annual report 2021 In 2021, the Group‘s after-tax profit reached BGN 111 million, with increased operating income reported in all business segments. Interest income (BGN 282 million) remained the main income source with a share of 65.0%. Fee and commission income increased to 28.4% as a result of the consistent cross-selling policy, increased customer base and higher collection. The challenges of the external environment led to moderate asset growth (5% to BGN 11,897 million) along with further emphasis on digital transformation. Fibank maintained its leading position among banks in the country, ranking fifth in terms of assets with a market share of 8.32%.       PDF
              • Annual report 2020 In 2020, the assets of the Group of First Investment Bank AD increased by 6% to BGN 11,335 million, with Fibank maintaining its fifth position by asset size among banks in Bulgaria, with a market share of 8.70%. The reported after tax profit amounted to BGN 45.5 million. Net interest income remained the main source of income at 66.8%, with fee and commission income coming second at 26.5% of total operating income. Operating costs decreased by 12% to BGN 194 million. The cost to income ratio was 56.34% and net loan to deposit ratio amounted to 66.16%.       PDF
              • Annual report 2019 In 2019, First Investment Bank AD (Fibank) has proven its soundness and high professional standards, which have helped it to successfully overcome the challenges of the external environment. In 2019, the assets of the Group of First Investment Bank AD increased by 11%, to BGN 10,660 million. On an individual basis, Fibank retained its leading position among banks in Bulgaria ranking fifth in terms of assets, with a market share of 8.81%. Profit after tax for 2019 amounted to BGN 137.9 million, return on equity was 15.12%, and return on assets 1.38%.    PDF
              • Annual Report 2018 In 2018, First Investment Bank celebrated the 25th anniversary of its establishment. Over this period, it reasserted itself as the largest Bulgarian-owned bank in the country and with a standing as an innovative and dynamic institution with its own image and trademark for high quality of service.    PDF
              • Annual Report 2017 Our achievements in 2017 in all business areas: financial results, product development, technological solutions, risk management in line with European and local regulations, social and corporate responsibility and, above all, high customer satisfaction, are positive indicators of the sustainability of the business model of First Investment Bank AD, and of the professionalism and efforts of its team of over 3,000 employees.   PDF
              • Annual Report 2016 In 2016, we directed our efforts at further developing and improving the internal bank structures and systems, the service models and product positioning, and at creating prerequisities for future sustainable growth.   PDF
              • Annual Report 2015 In 2015 First Investment Bank (Fibank) continued its sustainable development, reporting stable performance and strengthening its position among the leading banks in the Bulgarian market. We were able to streamline many aspects of our activity, create new products and perspectives, while keeping a focus on customer satisfaction. Thanks to our well-structured business model and highly professional approach, we successfully overcame the challenges of the environment and achieved the planned objectives.   PDF
              • Annual Report 2014 Our relentless pursuit of perfection in products and services, of providing superior customer service, of contributing to the success of our clients and realization of their plans, builds relations of partnership, trust and loyalty.The support and satisfaction of our customers is the driving force which fills us with confidence and makes us aspire to new heights.   PDF
              • Annual Report 2013 There are many reasons to be proud of our bank. • Having started with fewer than 30 employees, today Fibank has staff of over 3500; • With assets exceeding BGN 8.5 billion, Fibank is the third largest in Bulgaria; • The Bank preferred by the population: second in terms of savings; • Supporting good projects: fourth in terms of lending; • Among the leaders in information technology, cards and international payments;• Innovative, dynamic, having its own image and a brand for superior quality of service to every one of its over 1 million clients.This is First Investment Bank today...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2013 In the first half of 2013 First Investment Bank AD (Fibank) reported an increase in profit of 57.7%, to BGN 24 million after taxes on a consolidated basis (30.06.2012: BGN 15 million), which brought Fibank to fourth position among banks in Bulgaria by this indicator. This good financial result, achieved under the conditions of a challenging external environment, was largely due to the net increase in fee and commission income, by 35.8% to BGN 46 million (30.06.2012: BGN 33.9 million)...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2012 In today’s changing world customers need stability and foresight, constructive decisions and clear perspectives. They know they can count on us...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2012 During the first half of 2012 First Investment Bank AD (Fibank) successfully followed its planned business goals, registering growth and good financial results...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2011During 2011, the banking system in Bulgaria preserved its stability despite the volatile economic environment in the region and in the international markets. This is shown not only by Bulgaria’s financial indicators, but also the positive projections of the World and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2011During the first six months of 2011 the banks in Bulgaria retained their stability and trust despite ongoing uncertainty in the international markets and financial turbulence in the region...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2010 In 2010, despite the first signs of recovery, the crisis continued to be a dominant factor in the economic life of the country. It affected the behavior of all sectors – public, private, as well as households...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2010 The results of First Investment Bank /the Bank, FIBank/ for the first half of 2010 proved again that our client-oriented business model combined with a good capital base and proactive risk management could generate good financial results even under unfavorable external conditions...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2009 First Investment Bank retained its position among the leading banks in Bulgaria – sixth place in terms of assets and a positive financial result for 2009 (BGN 29.8 million after tax). It improved its market position to seventh place and its market share from 3.7% to 4.1%...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2009 During the first six months of 2009 FIBank continued to develop the range and quality of its services and undertook initiatives to meet to the changing needs and growing expectations of its customers...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2008 During 2008, FIBank reported good financial results – sixth place in terms of assets (BGN 4,271 million), net profit of BGN 49 million (2007: BGN 51 million). The card business, corporate banking, international payments and serving customers continue to be the focus of our activity...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2008 During the first half of 2008 First Investment Bank continued to implement its strategic mission to be one of the finest banks in Bulgaria and in the region, recognised as an innovative and customer-oriented bank that delivers outstanding products and services...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2007 To us 2007 was a year of pivotal projects and major challenges related to the integration of the Bulgarian banking sector into the common European financial market and to the strengthening of First Investment Bank’s leading position among Bulgaria’s credit institutions...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2007 In the first half of 2007 First Investment Bank continued its successful development, stabilising and expanding its role in the Bulgarian and Balkan banking markets...   PDF
              • Annual Report 2006 2006 was a successful year for FIBank. An increase in the Bank’s assets by 24.8% to BGN 3.1 billion; BGN 29 million in profit; a large sales network – 107 branches, distributors, the Virtual Banking Branch (e-banking), the Call Centre (telephone banking); an increase in deposits (BGN 1.7 billion in deposits from customers; bonds – BGN 0.5 billion), and a credit portfolio of BGN 1.7 billion are amongst the primary indicators of its increasing scope and capacity...   PDF
              • Half Year Report 2006 2005 was a successful year for First Investment Bank AD (FIBank). Happily the trend has continued into the first half of 2006. The major achievement has been a more than 19% increase in profit year-on-year whilst working within the credit expansion guidelines of the Bulgarian National Bank, up from BGN 10.079 million to BGN 12.033 million...   PDF