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Shareholder Information Archive 2012

The appointment of three new executive directors of First Investment Bank was published in the Commercial Register on 30 December 2011: Messrs. Vassil Christov, Dimitar Kostov and Svetoslav Moldovansky who were elected members of Fibank’s Managing Board in 2010 and were appointed deputy executive directors at the beginning of 2011.

This step precedes the last stage of the changes in management of First Investment Bank which started a year ago in the process of aligning the Bank’s management system with the latest principles of good corporate governance, including strengthening the role of the Supervisory Board in the effective oversight of the Managing Board with a view to achieving the Bank’s strategic goals.

In accordance with a resolution of the extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of First Investment Bank held on 24 October 2011, as of 24 January 2012 current Executive Directors and members of the Managing Board Mrs. Maya Georgieva, Mr. Jordan Skortchev and Mr. Evgeni Lukanov will replace in the Supervisory Board of Fibank Messrs. Todor Breshkov, Nedelcho Nedelchev and Kaloyan Ninov.

2011 2010 2009 2008

Shareholder Information Archive 2008

09 January 2008, Sofia.

We are pleased to inform you that First investment Bank AD established a Euro Medium Term Note Programme of up to EUR 500 million (the "Programme").

Under the Programme and its prospectus, First Investment Finance B.V., the Netherlands (the "Issuer"), will be able to issue a sequence of debt instruments (including senior bonds and lower tier 2 issues) up to an amount of EUR 500 million.

Any issuances of debt instruments under the Programme shall be guaranteed by First Investment Bank AD (the "Guarantor") so that payment of all amounts payable in respect of the debt instruments will be unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Guarantor.

ABN AMRO and Credit Suisse have been appointed to act as exclusive Joint Arrangers, Joint Lead Managers and Joint Bookrunners of all issuances under the Programme.


Shareholder Information Archive 2007

25 October 2007, Sofia

Today First Investment Bank AD received confirmation from ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and Bayerische Landesbank regarding the successful completion of a EUR 185 million Term Loan Facility extended to First Investment Finance BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of First Investment Bank AD, guaranteed by First Investment Bank AD.

Although the Facility was launched under difficult market conditions it was successfully finalized with a 364-day maturity and is made available for trade related business and for the refinancing of the existing facility. The new consortium consists of 23 leading banks from 10 different countries. The successful deal has once again evidenced the respect and trust for First Investment Bank AD amongst the international financial community.

18 July 2007, Successful results after the book-building in First Investment Bank's IPO

Sofia, 18 June 2007: First Investment Bank AD (the "Bank") notifies the investors that the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange resolved today on the admission of the Bank's shares on the Unofficial Market of the Exchange. The first trading day will be 25 June 2007 (Monday).

Investors intending to trade shares of the Bank, acquired in the public offering, should refer to First Investment Bank or another investment intermediary.

21 May 2007, Successful results after the book-building in First Investment Bank's IPO

Sofia, 21 May 2007. First Investment Bank AD (the "Bank") notifies the investors that the book-building and shares allocation process in the IPO of the Bank has been successfully completed in accordance to the prospectus approved by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission with decision 586-E as of 25 April 2007 (the "Offering").

The placement of orders for acquisition of shares in the Offering started on 7 May 2007 and ended on 18 May 2007. The IPO Manager First Financial Brokerage House OOD has received orders for BGN 1,317,898,070.

The book-building and shares allocation results are as follows:

  • Number of shares allocated: 16,500,000, including 10,000,000 new shares and 6,500,000 existing shares, owned by the selling shareholder First Financial Brokerage House OOD;
  • Offer price per share: BGN 10.70;
  • Over-subscriebed: 5.97 times (based on the BGN 10.70 offer price).

We encourage the investors who have placed orders for acquisition of shares in the Offering to request information regarding the number of shares allocated to them (if any) from the investment intermediaries where the investors have placed their orders.

Forthcoming is the registration of the Bank's capital increase in the Bulgarian Commercial Register, registration of the new shares at the Bulgarian Central Depository and the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission and the admission of the shares for trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.