Regulatory Framework

Payment Services and Payment Systems Act, promulgated in State Gazette of 06 March 2018 /PSPSA/, transposed Directive 2015/2366 to the European Parliament and the Council on payment services in the internal market (PSD 2).

Regulatory framework for payment services, consisting of EU acts /Directive 2015/2366, Delegated Regulation 2018/389, Regulation 260/2012, etc.), European Banking Authority Guidelines EBA/GL/2017/17 - Guidelines on Security Measures for Operational and Security Risks, EBA/ GL/2017/10 - Guidelines for Reporting of Significant Incidents, etc./, ordinances of the BNB /Ordinance No. 3 of 18 April 2018 on the terms and procedures for opening of payment accounts, for execution of payment transactions and for use of payment instruments - in force since 08 May 2018 and other regulations are expected to contribute to the further development of the single market for EU payment services and the establishment of a common European digital market, as well as to improving customer awareness and protection for the use of payment services.