• Visa Classic

    BGN 45 annual fee for each subsequent year (annual fee free for active use)

    Cashback for each purchase

    Credit limit from BGN 500 up to BGN 10 000


    Online request
Our Offer
Credit Card Visa Classic by Fibank offers You:

Credit Card Parameters

Credit Card TypesVisa Classic
Account CurrencyBGN, EUR, USD, GBP
Interest rate terms

Standard interest rate terms**:

  • 17.90% annual interest rate upon payment

18.90% annual interest rate upon cash withdrawal

Interest free grace periodUp to 45 days
Minimum repayment instalment3% of the credit limit spent, min. BGN 10.00
Security***Security free
Credit limit
  • Determined based on the individual creditworthiness assessment.
  • From BGN 500 up to BGN 10 000 or its equivalence in EUR and USD, or up to GBP  4 500
Term of validity5 years with automatic renewal option
Annual maintenance fee****

Promotional conditions:

  • First year annual fee free
  • Annual fee free for each subsequent year for active card use

Standard conditions:

  • BGN 45 or its equivalence in foreign currency, incl. in case of non-compliance with the conditions for issuing and using promotional credit cards.

Upon payment with a credit card in a point of sale in Bulgaria or abroad, upon reaching a turnover of min. BGN 4 000 for 6 months, You get 0.5% of the turnover, max. BGN 250.

Additional card


Term for issuance
  • Virtual card- up to minutes, fully remote process.
  • Card with a physical carrier- up to 3 working days in Sofia and up to 5 working days in branches across the country.
Contactless payment limits

Under the Second European Payment Services Directive (PSD2), after 31.03.2020 it is necessary to enter a PIN for contactless payments in the following cases:

  • after making the sixth consecutive contactless, PIN-free transaction


  • after the total amount of consecutive contactless, PIN-free transactions reaches BGN 100

After each PIN entry, the process restarts.

APR (Annual Percentage Rate)

APR example: "19.74% with a credit limit of BGN 3000, 1-year term. The amount is drawn in full through a POS terminal, at an annual interest rate of 17.90%, total amount due of BGN 3,545.95"

**Standard interest rate terms:

Valid for contracts to newly issued credit cards after 10.10.2022 . Detailed information on the interest rate terms for credit card contracts concluded before this date can be found in "Fibank Bulletin of Interest Rates".

***A security may be required at the Bank's discretion.

****Annual maintenance fee:

Promotional conditions: The fee condition is promotional. Detailed information on promotional terms and conditions can be found here. 

Standard conditions: Detailed information on credit card fees payable can be found in "Tariff of Fees and Commissions of Fibank".

Application Procedure

Apply easily and conveniently in one of the following ways:

After choosing a card, Your request will be processed as follows:
  • Virtual credit Card– fully digital process, no need to visit an office
  • Card with a physical carrier – after processing You will receive Your Card at Your pre-selected branch of Fibank within a term of up to 3 working days in Sofia and within a term of up to 5 working days in the country.

Documents Insurance