Preferential fees and commissions for orders submitted through My Fibank until 31.03.2025:
- For markets in the USA – BGN 5 per order
- For markets in Germany – BGN 10 per order25 г.:
“Investments” menu
In the “Investments” menu you will find thorough information about hundreds of financial instruments traded both on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) and on the international markets. Registered clients are able to submit orders for the purchase and sale of financial instruments.
The new service allows you to:
Buy and sell shares and ETFs;
Manage an investment portfolio;
Track the status of orders;
Access statements and reports;
Save stocks in the "Favorites" menu and receive price notifications;
The new functionality is available from the "Services" menu
Specifics for buying and selling
Order types:
Market order - the transaction is executed at the current market price.
Limit order - the transaction is executed when a pre-set price or a better one is reached.
- Declaration of origin of funds:
- When submitting orders for amounts over EUR 15,000, a declaration of origin of funds is required.
- The declaration is completed in the application through a short step-by-step process, similar to the process for transfers.
- Blocking amounts:
- When submitting a purchase order, the transaction amount, including fees and commissions, is blocked until the operation is accounted.
In actual accounting, there may be a discrepancy between the blocked and the finally accounted amount, with the accounted amount taking precedence.
- Currency conversion:
Currency conversion is performed at the "buy" and "sell" rates for the day the transaction is accounted.
Additional information
Main functionalities:
- View orders and transactions: You can monitor the status of submitted orders (executed or pending ones), as well as the transactions concluded.
- Portfolio management: Access to a list of instruments owned, with information about:
Invested amount.
Current value of the investment.
- Profit or loss – expressed in percentage and absolute value.
Historical data: Charts for the performance of individual financial instruments for a selected period.
- Dividends and reports: Reporting information for paid dividends and completed trades.
Cancel unexecuted orders: Ability to cancel orders that have not been executed.
Market overview: You can monitor the markets on which the instruments are traded and compare their performance.
All documents related to registration, profile update, order submission, confirmation of transactions and reports are generated and signed electronically. You can access them directly in the application.
Creating an investment account
Creating an investment account is done entirely online in a few easy steps through My Fibank mobile application:
- The process starts from “Create an investment account” in the “Investments” screen.
- A main trading account is selected;
- A short questionnaire is filled in;
- A package of documents is provided, which can be reviewed and signed in the application.
- The investment account has been created successfully!
Existing clients who trade through a bank office can benefit from the advantages of the new service by filling in a questionnaire and signing an annex to the existing contract directly through My Fibank mobile application.
- Access to the service:
- Available in the “Services” menu → “Investments” section.
- Available to individuals with an activated mobile application and rights for active banking.
- Not available to proxies or clients with passive rights.
Frequently asked questions
Which of my accounts can I use to trade financial instruments?
From any of your current accounts, except for term deposit accounts, credit cards, or accounts with special conditions.
Can I receive reports for my investments?
The app provides online reports and statements for your portfolio in real-time. Additionally, an email service is available, allowing the client to activate automatic quarterly reports. When activating the email service, a password is set to encrypt the file, which is required to open it.
Can I trade stocks directly through the My Fibank app?
Yes, the My Fibank app gives you direct access to the largest regulated markets in Europe and the USA. You can easily place buy and sell orders for stocks, ETFs, and other investment products, and manage your portfolio.
How do I start trading financial instruments?
You can create your investment profile in just a few easy steps from the 'Investments' menu. During the process, you will select your preferred account from which to trade investments, answer a few questions, and sign the service agreement entirely online.